Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Always Trying To Perfect Myself...

So easy to see all the ways to perfect myself.  Especially when I see others -- who are better dressed, skinnier, more polished, more confident, more outgoing, more aggressive -- achieving things I want to achieve.  Most of these things I can take care of  -- I mean, no reason I need to be tee shirt and blue jeans every day -- no reason I can't have a smoothie for breakfast instead of two bowls of cereal -- but I think always having an improvement project is sort of demoralizing.  Maybe that is why I suffer from bouts of low-grade depression.  

What can I do, right now, where I am, with what I have.  Lots!!   I can still launch all my precious baby business ideas.   Right?  There are millions of people in the world, yes, the shiny people will have success faster perhaps -- but not EVERYONE is going to connect with the bright shiny people.  Not everyone has a bright shiny life.  I will find my tribe, when I put my babies into the world.

I have always felt I could connect to people who were vulnerable in some way, and maybe it is because I lose all sense of myself, but am focusing on them, listening to them, offering counsel.  Maybe that is what I need to do in those situations when I feel insecure, forget myself, see the person in front of me and focus on them, not my own anxiety.  

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