Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making music reduces stress more than exercise!!

According to my doctor, who says that making music is the number one stress reducer. He says it has something to do with the total concentration it requires from a different part of your brain. I believe it! I always am in a much better mood after I practice guitar and sing.

My guitar instructor has another adult student who started guitar lessons at age 50! She almost quit during the sore fingers/cramping wrists stage, but she stuck with it and now she wants to be in a band. I just love that. Right now I am totally fired up about lessons, but if I ever start wondering if I should quit, I'll just remember that lady. If I quit, when I'm 50, I'll be like her, wanting to learn to play the guitar. Whereas if I stick with it, when I'm 50, I'll be an experienced guitar player of xxxxx years.

My instructor is great. I was doing the same drills every single day, and she suggested that I split the drills up and do different combinations every day, so I don't get bored, and so that I'll actually notice progress when I cycle back through the drills. If you do the same ones every day, it's like not noticing that your dog is gaining weight, you won't notice your own progress.

So now when I am torn between going for that 10 mile run (not) or picking up my guitar, I can pick up my guitar in good conscience!

Learning All The Time

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