front yard....
wooded area in front yard....
side yard...
peonies, roses, and clematis in the back yard....
Other side of my house, standing under the plum tree...
But then when it took me 3 days to clear out one small patch of nandina seedlings, I gave in. I asked Manuel to pull weeds, put down weed guard under the Nandina, edge some of my beds, dig some sod, and mulch. And two days later, I am such a happy camper. Here are the after pictures...

Side yard under the plum tree...

Side yard bordering the woods....

Side yard facing the plum tree.....

Front yard, from my still unpainted stoop....

Front yard, facing woods...

Plant stand in front of my stoop....
BTW, the pictures were taken in late April, I am just getting around to posting to the blog...